
  • Kalle Glauch. 2024. The Influence of Affective-Meaning on Anaphora Resolution. 9th International Conference of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo 9), Lyon. May 17, 2024.
  • Daniel Gutzmann. 2024. Kontextstruktur und Gesprächsdynamik. Wo formale Sprachtheorie und Gesprächslinguistik aufeinandertreffen. University of Zürich. May 7, 2024.
  • Kalle Glauch. 2024. The Influence of Valence on the Interpretation of Expressive Adjectives. Bochum Language Colloquium. Ruhr University Bochum. April 16, 2024.
  • Kalle Glauch. 2024. Prosodic Cues to the Interpretation of Expressive Adjectives. Workshop Attitudinal meaning in prosody. 46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS). Ruhr University Bochum. February 28, 2024.
  • Kalle Glauch. 2024. Punctuation Modulates the Valence of Referents in Exclamative Clauses in CMC. Linguistic Evidence. University of Potsdam. February, 23 2024. (Poster)
  • Daniel Gutzmann. 2023. Antiassertions. On bullshit, trolling and fake news. CLIP Lectures on Lying. University of Cologne. December 19, 2023. (Online)
  • Daniel Gutzmann. 2023. Trolling, Bullshit und Fake News: Antiassertionen und die Zerstörung des kooperativen Sprachspiels. GLatT 4 zu Sprache und Vertrauenswürdigkeit. University of Cologne & University of Tokyo. December 5, 2023. (Online)
  • Daniel Gutzmann. 2023. Trolling, Bullshit und Fake News: Antiassertionen und die Zerstörung des kooperativen Sprachspiels. Colloquium of the Graduate Training Group Mit Sprache. (Mitbestimmung durch SprachGewalten). Ruhr University Bochum. November 14, 2023.
  • Kalle Glauch. 2023. Prosodic Cues to the Interpretation of Expressive Adjectives. Voices in Contexts. A workshop on the prosody-pragmatics interface for early career researchers. University of Cologne. October 12, 2023.
  • Kalle Glauch. 2023. The Interplay of Morpho-Phonology and Semantics in the Processing of Plural Subject-Verb-Number Agreement with Collective Noun Constructions. International Symposium of Morphology (ISMo) 2023ATILF, Nancy. September 14, 2023.
  • Kalle Glauch. 2023. The Morpho-Phonological Influence of Plural-Marking on Conceptual Subject-Verb-Number Agreement with Collective Nouns in German. Linguistics Prague 2023. Charles University of Prague. June 23, 2023.
  • Daniel Gutzmann und Katharina Turgay. 2023. Fictional Import. Arbeitsgruppe »Linguistic aspects of fictionality«. 45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS). University of Cologne. March 8, 2023.